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Board Members’ Day-to-Day

By Dominic Lowe

I told you about how I ended up on the OASF board in my last blog. Since joining the OASF board, I’ve had the opportunity to meet some great Latics fans and be involved in a lot of important work that I’m proud of, including the myriad of work to save the Club, running surveys of Latics fans, and trying to influence the owners of the Club.

From the outside, supporters’ trusts can look quite bureaucratic. But, whilst we try to appear professional in our communications, the OASF board works in a relatively easygoing manner. We mainly use WhatsApp to keep in touch and we host our meetings online, given we all live so far apart.

Because we work in this way, where you live isn’t an issue. As I said in my last blog, you don’t need specific experience, you just need be willing to get stuck in and know how to use WhatsApp and Zoom/Teams.

We have two meetings every month (usually 7pm), one as a board and one with Darren Royle. We agree an agenda before the meeting and then I’ll take notes and record any actions. Between meetings, we complete our actions and then report back at the next meeting. Some board members will also be managing existing projects, like Latics Lift.

Managing volunteering for OASF, your work life, and your personal life can be challenging at times, which is why we’re flexible with our expectations of board members.

Even with that flexibility, there are times when I struggle to motivate myself to keep volunteering my time. But the reason I continue to do it is to safeguard this great club and make it the best it can be.

One day, I hope to bring my kids to Boundary Park, like my dad and grandma did for me. I want them to find a secure, healthy club that has a genuine connection with its supporters. The best way to ensure that is the case is to have a strong OASF influencing the current ownership of the Club, with one eye on the putting us in the best position when a change of ownership inevitably comes around in the years to come.

My simple message to you: If you want this club to be the best it can be and want to protect its long-term future, stand for election.  

To stand for election, complete the nomination form below and send it to by 23:59 on Monday 22 July.

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